About us.
Have you ever wanted to belong to a community where there are thousands of bottles available for educational tastings and reviews? A community of like minded individuals who enjoy sharing and knowledge all over the world. To be able to visit the creators and actually taste the bottles being reviewed. We are building one of the world’s premier and extensive libraries of whiskies from around the world along with the ability monthly to meet up with distillers, owners, and ambassadors of many brands. This will be a place to meet new friends as well as enjoy educational opportunities for friends you want to introduce to whiskey, colleagues, team building, corporate events, small parties and anyone else interested in learning about whiskey in a non judgmental enjoyable environment with no snobbery. Join us on our crusade to a castle full of amazing people and wall to wall education on the water of life. Become a Whiskey Crusader with us today and enjoy insider information of these community events and secret gatherings.

Our Amazing Team

Owner / Whiskey Sommelier
Matt Zitrick
Level 3 Whiskey Sommelier, Kentucky Colonel, Texas Whiskey Festival Judge, YouTuber for 6 years with thousands of bottles reviewed, and 20 plus years experience with the water of life. Owner of the Whiskey Crusaders YouTube Channel/Events since 2019, owner of the Whiskey Crusaders Whiskey Castle which now houses one the largest educational collections of whiskey in America from around the globe, supporter of all things Texas, and the best whiskey is the one you are learning about right now.

Whiskey Sommelier
Erik Fortmeyer
Level 3 Whiskey Sommelier, Ex-US Air Force Officer, chemistry and physics major, world traveler, full mash home brewer, YouTuber for 3 years with hundreds of bottles reviewed, 35 plus years experience with tasty spirits and craft beer. Trusty helper of the Whiskey Crusaders YouTube Channel/Events since 2022, professor at the Whiskey Castle who loves to pass on the joy of all things about good whiskey and other spirits.

Whiskey Sommelier
Level 3 Whiskey Sommelier, Texas Whiskey Festival Judge, Masters in Biology, Dungeon Keeper, 20 plus years experience with spirits. Keeper of the flame at the Whiskey Castle who loves peated whiskies and teaching you about the joy of enjoying a good whiskey while gaining useful knowledge on the water of life.